Spectrum Sound - Sound, Lighting & Audio-Visual provider for functions and events


Photography and software development are two of my other interests. Below are a few related links.

TopScore TopScore Salon Judging Software Photographic Salon (competition) judging software. Projection, judging and scoring of images by up to 7 judges using a single desktop or laptop computer.
Photo Competition Manager Photo Competition Manager Photographic Club Management Software. Manage club members, competitions, judging, salons etc. etc. - all in one solution.
Free Projector Calibration tool Free Projector Calibration tool (MS Windows only) (~ 2.58 MB) A free utility which can create an on-screen image, which can be used to calibrate and focus a projector. It also has the option to move the Freestyler window to another desktop.
Free Song presentation application Free song presentation application (MS Windows only) (Afrikaans) (~ 4.38 MB) WinLied, a Free song presentation application for churches etc. Single or dual (extended) desktop option. Button captions, hints, help etc. all in Afrikaans.
FreeStyler DMX Software FreeStyler DMX Software Free Software to control DMX lighting and other hardware supporting the DMX protocol.

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