Thank you for your interest in TopScore Salon Judging Software.
TopScore is specifically developed to ease the judging process of a photographic salon. Only one desktop computer or laptop is required for up to 7 judges. Each judge can make use of his or her own standard computer keyboard to capture scores simultaneously or one person can capture the scores sequentially on behalf of all the judges.
Once all entries were judged, awards can be assigned and thereafter, by the click of a button, a “results” file can be created, which can be uploaded directly to Photo Vault Online.
Some of the great features which make TopScore the salon judging software of choice:
- Projection, judging and scoring from a single desktop or laptop computer
- No expensive hardware requirements like high-end computers
- No expensive scoring devices required – standard- or “number keypad” keyboards preferred but not required
- Simultaneous score capturing by up to 7 judges – no single scorer bottleneck *
- Fast easy score capturing – type the score and hit <Enter> - no moving up or down to choose a score
- Image flagging by individual judges during judging and scoring process *
- On-screen capture and flag status – easy to see who has scored, is busy, entered an invalid score or flagged an entry *
- Maximum score setting eliminates invalid score capturing
- Automatic backup after each entry is judged / scored
- Judging can be interrupted at any time and at a later stage resumed where left off
- Various scoring possibilities - score totalling, score averaging, rounding upwards, overrides etc.
- Any image can be re-judged and re-scored at any time
- Option to automatically advance to next image while judging / scoring
- Advanced filtering options – entry images can be filtered on a combination of fields and field data
- Entry images (filtered or not) can be viewed as thumbnails or as a slideshow
- Entry images (filtered or not) can be copied to another location
- Create a graph to display the score distribution of the salon or any filtered selection
- Export entry image data (filtered or not) to a .csv format file to be manipulated in a text editor or Microsoft® Excel®
- View a test pattern to be used to calibrate, adjust and focus the projector
- Create the results file required by PhotoVault in one easy step
- A presentation remote can be used to view images
- Very easy judge set-up and keyboard assignment
- Easy billing model – minimal usage fee per image
* Available in multi-keyboard mode – a keyboard needs to be assigned to each judge.
TopScore is a freeware application, meaning that there is no initial purchasing- or licensing costs involved. However a usage fee of 40c (South African cents) per image will be billed for using TopScore to view and/or judge entry images. As an example, if 2200 images are entered into a salon, a usage fee of 2200 x 40c or R880 (South African Rands) will be billed for using TopScore.
TopScore makes use of a database file in which all the detail of the entries as well as the judging- and scoring information is stored. This database file is usually small (approximately 1MB for 2500 salon entries). The initial version of the entries database file needs to be created by the TopScore administration team and will be sent to you via email. In order for us to supply you with the initial entries database file, the following simple steps need to be taken:
- * Download the Entries file for your salon from the Photo Vault Online website – it is a .csv file with a filename similar to: Entries_for_<YOUR_SALON_NAME>_.csv
- Email the downloaded Entries file to
- We will prepare and send you an invoice including banking details (usually within 1 working day)
- Once the TopScore usage fee is paid into- and reflecting in our bank account, we will send you the initial entries database file via email
- You will then have to save the entries database file to the computer(s) or laptop(s) which will be used for the salon judging process, open the entries database file in TopScore and load the local image data. Once all the local image data is loaded you are ready to start with the judging process.
* If Photo Vault Online is not used as the salon entry platform you can contact the TopScore administration team for further instructions (
TopScore can be tested and evaluated before deciding to use it for judging a salon. Download and install TopScore and the sample test pack. The sample test pack contains 10 entry images and an entries database file, everything you need to test all TopScore's features.
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